
Well today I talk you about my vision of education in chile.

uff ... Well, first I would like to discuss an important topic ... For my part I've been very lucky. From boy until today I have been in seven educational institutions (beetween primary and secondary), all public establishments, and I can say that of the children I met in primary ( six school ) I am the one who is in university...

I have always agreed with the politicians who promise quality education even they know that the basis for equality between the different social strata is education, the difference in opportunities is influenced by the money that you have for pay the education.

well, changing the topic, I like the education in my dear university, in particular I liked the atmosphere created among students and teachers. It's fun to learn about your career when there are people around you who share your dream of profession. The teachers really want to teach, it is essential, they could teach in a private university but prefer quality over money. In conclusion, what I mean is that the most important to have good future professionals is a commitment to wanting to do things well, and have the resources for this.

I guess not enough to know much about your profession, the university gives us the opportunity to "disconnect" in our careers for a while and learn other things, in all sides should be this way, learning must to be global for a future better professional and better person, more complete.

We could talk for hours of education, I hope to write later than one topic in particular but in general when I think of "education" these ideas come to mind.

that's all for now.
love and peace!


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